Requirements for raw materials quality
Our consumers love and choose us! And in return for many decades we have been loyal to our principles of production of high-quality and tasty dairy products under all Molvest brands. Our consumers can be sure of their safety due to multi-level system of quality standards for raw material — our milk — for production of some of the best dairy products in our country and abroad.
We strictly follow international standards of food quality and safety management systems, as well as introduce our own developments, allowing us to achieve a high level of quality.
Our company works only with reliable suppliers of raw materials and ingredients from the Russian Federation and other countries, and regularly conducts audits on food safety.
For your health safety, in all of our enterprises — 10 dairy farms and 8 processing plants — there are fully equipped industrial laboratories and there was established a multi-stage quality control system for reception and processing of raw milk.
On dairy farms, for example, safety process begins with selection of individual rations for animals: our feed stuff is tested in our own laboratories of premium feed production enterprises. Special attention on the farms is paid to veterinary control. All livestock of Molvest farms undergo clinical check-ups twice a day. The next step is milk inspection. After each milking and before pumping into milk trucks the raw milk is examined in the laboratory on a number of key parameters — antibiotics, acidity, somatic cells level, fat and protein content, etc.
We are fully aware of the high level of trust and responsibility for the health of each of our customers. Our primary mission is to produce the best quality products in each dairy category.
Processing quality control
What is the quality of raw milk processing? This is our guarantee to produce healthy and tasty products only from natural and fresh milk.
When raw milk arrives at our dairy, it goes again to the laboratory and re-passes a comprehensive check.
All production processes at the company’s dairies -from the raw milk processing to finished products — are carried out in fully closed equipment, isolated from air and other external influences and factors.
We boldly guarantee that our products meet high requirements of biological and chemical values and safety, as they are produced only from natural fresh milk of the highest quality.